Nebraska Professional Practices Commission

Private Admonishments

Every effort has been made to assure accuracy in the following case histories, however, the Nebraska Professional Practices Commission does not guarantee complete accuracy of the information contained in this web site. Please direct questions, comments, or corrections to the NPPC office in writing or via e-mail at the addresses below.

Click on a name for case information


Case No. 91016:
Admitted lying to parents of a student about the student's absence from school and admitted to attempting to get the teacher's aide to participate in the lie.


Case No. 92047:
Exceeded the number of days teaching certificate was valid for teaching.


Case No. 93017
Failed to file and misdated Nebraska Department of Education Form 03-018.


Case No. 93029
Struck a student in the chest area, and forcefully pushed a student into a desk top.


Case No. 00-16:
Respondent, in regard to special education duties, failed to attend to the duties of her professional position and failed to apply for, accept, offer, or assign a position of responsibility on the basis of professional preparation and legal qualification. Respondent also failed to use procedures appropriate to accomplish designated tasks. And finally, failed to accept responsibility commensurate with delegated authority to evaluate learning and goals achievement and interpret effectively the results of evaluating for judging instruction, the achievement of stated goals, or the need for further diagnosis.


Case No. 03-10:
Respondent practiced as a principal and an elementary special education teacher without holding proper certification and without registering her certificate with the public school in which she was employed. Additionally, she removed original school files from school district property without permission to do so.