Nebraska Professional Practices Commission


The case studies portrayed here are a few of the ways in which some educators have run afoul of Nebraska's high ethical and professional standards. The Nebraska Professional Practices Commission’s intent with this project is to provide information and education to prospective educators as well as to those who are currently a part of the profession. Increased knowledge of the consequences of actions regarding an educator’s certificate may help prevent future lapses in these standards. The following are dramatizations based on real cases and outcomes.

These videos are for use with the  Facilitator Guide

Crossing Boundaries: Contracts




Crossing Boundaries: Time On Duty




Crossing Boundaries: Testing




Crossing Boundaries: Social Media Relationships




Crossing Boundaries: Inappropriate Relationships




Crossing Boundaries: Alcohol





Case Study 1. Joe: Prescription Drug Abuse


Case Study 2. Annette: Theft


Case Study 3. Daphne: Contract Abrogation


Case Study 4. Alan: School Computer Misuse


Case Study 5. Wayne: Personal Computer Felony


Case Study 6. Robert: Inappropriate Relationship